Bikini Quotes

Conquering the world one bikini at a time

Monday, September 5, 2011


"Fashion rules are made to be broken by those who can pull it off".  I like that.  Who says you can't wear white after Labor Day?  Well, to be honest many many old-money snobs who follow the rules in order to climb the social ladder.  But who set the rule and why?  I researched this all to popular subject and there seems to be some question about why it started.  Practicality, class, fashion editors oh my!  If it's such a hard core rule why is there "winter white"?  Let me lay it out for you.  A thin sleeveless cotton blouse tin the middle of January would just be silly - and cold.  But if it is a beautiful Chanel suit made by Coco her self in a beautiful winter white wool that would be amazing.  Do you need more examples? Biggest rain storm of the year with streets flooding and gutters overflowing with muddy rain water does not mean wear your white suede pumps to work.  Jetting off to the Hampton's in June for a little R & R equals a crisp cotton shift dress and sandals.  So you see where I am going with this?  Use a little common sense when breaking this classic rule but make sure you pull it off and Happy Labor Day



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